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PRX-T33 TCA Bio Revitalisation Gel



Single Treatment


Course of Three Treatments


Course of Five Treatments


PRX-T33 TCA is a painless chemical skin rejuvenation and bio-revitalisation treatment that stimulates collagen and elastin production. This treatment requires little to no downtime or recovery, making it highly effective for addressing a variety of common skin concerns.

This bio-revitalisation treatment penetrates deeply into the skin, working from the epidermal layer down to the basal layer to stimulate renewal and regeneration. Although it falls unde the category of a medical peel and offers similar benefits, the PRX-T33 TCA treatment is neither a peel nor an injectable; it is an innovative bio-revitalisation gel treatment. When applied according to precise protocol, it achieves remarkable skin rejuvenation and effectively targets:

  • Crepey or sagging skin which has lost its firmness
  • Pigmentation and sun damage
  • Depressed scars
  • Scarring & Acne Scarring
  • Skin with diminished quality that needs an overall lift